24.10.2012.. birthday nur qurratu damia yang ke -4.. dah 4 tahun dah anak umi..mcm xcaya adik dah besaq..tapi masih manja macm tu jgk... tak buat apa pun..just celebrate kecil2kecilan ja..sbb kakak pun xdak..jdi mcm xbest la nk celebrate..tapi yg best nya amia dah or momoi dah apakai subang..rasa terkehut plak bila baba tanya adik nk pakai subang dak..dia jawab ok..aishh..umi yg risau ni...betui ka adik nk pakai ..betoi la..dia kata..ok..pilih subang pun dia pilih sendiri..umi dah lari jauh dah..amoi kedai tu kata mai tgk..dia nk tanda..sama ka dak..umi tgk dari jauh ya..seriyau aihhhh...
baba la tolong pegang dia..umi mmg tak dok tang tu dah la...takut..tu baru anak nk pakai subang..dah ketaq lutut..haghuuu..kakak dulu m.tok yg bawak pi tebuk telinga..hurm..nnti bila kita boh gambaq dia kat sini..blik umah punya cewi..jumpa cermin kat pacific tu pun..dia boleh dok berdiri depan cermin..pastu tanya baba..ok dak??amia2 bab2 melaram boleh kat dia..
happy birthday adik..
i love u..
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Premium Beautiful Corset
Premium Beautiful Corset is a SUPERBRAND Corset for Health and Beauty. Premium Beautiful Corset is currently the Number One choice in Malaysia for women who want to be healthy, beautiful and have high confidence. With its unique Far-Infrared-Rays (FIR) technology, as well as being recognised by 3 International Chiropractic Associations, it is no surpise that thousands of Malaysian women have choosen Premium Beautiful Corset.
Premium Beautiful Corset is a 3 piece set consist of Long Bra, Waist Nipper and Long Girdle.

1. The corset was specially design for 70% health and 30% beauty.
2. Instant body shaping and slimming, while promote improved blood circulation and higher metabolic rate.
3. Though each set is made of highly durable quality, it still comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY.
4. The pioneer in using Far Infrared Rays (FIR) technology in women lingerie.
5. Recommended by 3 International Chiropractic Associations.
6. 360 degrees elasticity to promote highest level of comfort.* Details can also be found at http://www.hai-omarketing.com.my/
2. Instant body shaping and slimming, while promote improved blood circulation and higher metabolic rate.
3. Though each set is made of highly durable quality, it still comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY.
4. The pioneer in using Far Infrared Rays (FIR) technology in women lingerie.
5. Recommended by 3 International Chiropractic Associations.
6. 360 degrees elasticity to promote highest level of comfort.* Details can also be found at http://www.hai-omarketing.com.my/
Far Infrared Ray is one of the ‘good’ energy wave that comes from our Sunlight. Unlike the ‘bad’ waves such as Ultraviolet & Microwaves which is harmful if exposed to, FIR can provide positive effects and is proven to be beneficial to humans. In recent years, FIR has also been widely accepted as alternative therapy for various diseases.
* Related readings – http://www.farinfraredmedical.org/ | http://www.farinfraredhealth.com/farinfraredtherapy.html
The Premium Beautiful Corset has been around in the market for more than 10 years. Eversince its introduction to the market, it has been proven to be Malaysian Women’s favorite with happy clients ranging from the royalties, celebrities to the masses of housewives and women all over Malaysia. The product was also honored with a SUPERBRAND Award to prove its claims as the No.1 Corset in Malaysia.
Don’t take our words for it. Hear what the REAL people who wears the magical corset has to say about this product as your can search for thousands of happy testimonials all around the Internet.
Below are the summary of the most common testimonials:
1. Best solution to relief and provide support for back-pain and slip disc.
2. Fastest BODY SHAPING solution. Perfect Corset for brides to be, fit perfectly into your Wedding dress.
3. For post-delivery and while in confinement period, a perfect modern ‘Bengkung’ and ‘Barut’ as compared to the traditional ones.
4. Help patients REDUCED & ELIMINATE cyst and fibroid.
5. Return the stretched-mark skins back to its normal tone.
6. Alleviate asthma attacks
7. Firm and shaping breast and buttocks
8. REDUCED Migraine, Period Pain and NORMALIZE period cycle
1. Best solution to relief and provide support for back-pain and slip disc.
2. Fastest BODY SHAPING solution. Perfect Corset for brides to be, fit perfectly into your Wedding dress.
3. For post-delivery and while in confinement period, a perfect modern ‘Bengkung’ and ‘Barut’ as compared to the traditional ones.
4. Help patients REDUCED & ELIMINATE cyst and fibroid.
5. Return the stretched-mark skins back to its normal tone.
6. Alleviate asthma attacks
7. Firm and shaping breast and buttocks
8. REDUCED Migraine, Period Pain and NORMALIZE period cycle
diamana nak dapatkan makanan organik
Pernah tak kita terfikir makanan yang kita masak dan makan hari2 mengandungi toksin/bahan kimia yang masih tidak selamat untuk kita makan??
makanan seperti ayam, daging, sayur, ikan dan lain actually masih tidak selamat 100% untuk di makan...
cth : Ayam yang disuntik dengan hormone tumbesaran and antibiotik yang kuat untuk menggalakkan tumbesaran yang cepat dan menahan dari sebarang penyakit.
bahan2 ini akan kekal walau pun di cuci dengan air.
tidak lupa juga sayuran2 dan buah-buahan yang di sembur racun untuk mengelakkan serangga perosak dan tumbesaran
and ikan, makanan2 laut yang direndam untuk tahan lama
so...what is the solutions??
BIOZONE Food Purifier
BIOZONE Food Purifier menggunakan proses pengkhususannya iaitu menyatupadukan bahan perintang ozon bagi mengubah oksigen (O2) menjadi ozon (O3). Ozon akan kembali menjadi oksigen setelah menjalankan fungsi untuk menyingkirkan bahan-bahan pencemar.
- memelihara kesegaran makanan
- menyingkirkan bau
- menyingkirkan toksin larut air, toksin larut lemak dan bakteria
- memelihara nutrien makanan
- berkesan menyingkirkan bahan2 pencemaran
shape your body with premium beautiful
Shapes up your body.
berminat?? nk dapatkan bentuk badan mcm ni..
call me.. yana 0174644925
emel anna_rosswell@yahoo.com
fb; lyana lorenza( anna_rosswell@yahoo.com )
Jovian Mandagie AidilAdha Collection 2012 - RTW
Raya AidilAdha dah nk dekat sgt dah.
aku sendiri pun tak buat apa2 prepareration lagi..rasa mcm nk jahit sendiri baju kali ni..tapi ada masa lagi ker..
pada yg tak sempat nk jahit boleh la jenguk2 kat sini..pada yg menggilai design cantik JovianMandagie mesti tahu kan beliau dah keluarkan new collection untuk AidilAdha.
Bagi yang tak sempat nak grab beli masa hari Raya Aidilfitri arituh this is the right time to get yourself one.
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Jerielle |
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Jetta |
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Jewel |
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Jezalynne |
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Jezzebel |
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Jaxine |
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Jameela |
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Jovanita |
Harga basically kdalam RM 400 cam tuh. So ok lah. Tak la mahal dan tak la murah. Tapi kalau kita fikir2 kan balik. Sama je. Beli kain, tempah segala2 nya can cost us up to RM 400 jugak.
Ini just order online.
Save time and energy.
p/s: Baju cantik kena la pakai bersama Premium Beautiful Corset. Baru cantik bila nampak badan pun cantik n ngan dengan baju tu..
untuk maklumat tentang premium beautiful pls call me 017-4644925
boleh bayar via cdt card juga..
emel anna_rosswell@yahoo.com
i phone 5
verangan k..i phone 3gs pon blom mampu nk beli..berangan nk beli i phone 5..hehe..
tapi byk plan yang tersedia skrg ni..blh plih ja nk yg mana.. boleh usha2 kat www.digi.com.my ..
tapi bila tarikh sebenar i phone 5 kat malaysia ni..
tapi byk plan yang tersedia skrg ni..blh plih ja nk yg mana.. boleh usha2 kat www.digi.com.my ..
tapi bila tarikh sebenar i phone 5 kat malaysia ni..
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
premium beutiful
setiap rasa tertekan..downn..stress blog kak mai / CDM mai la yg jdi tempat untuk aku naikkan balik semangat aku ni..bila jalan kat blog dia..tgk pic yng cantik2 ..kata semangat..aku jdi bersemangat ja..rasa nk jdi mcm kak mai..seorang yg sgt berjaya..berjaya dalam bidangnya..seronok tgk dia dapat bahagiakan anak2nya..keluarga..kawan2..
naluri dan kehendak seseorang sgt berbeza..aku amat berharap..aku dapat jadi yg terbaik..dapat mmemberi segala kemewahan..memberi ilmu kpd anak2 dan keluarga..tapi entah dimana silapnya..aku masih disni..ditahap yg lama..
berharap satu hari nnti aku dapat berjaya seperti mereka juga..
tengah plan nk beli mesin jahit la..tapi taktau mesin apa yg best..harap adala yg dapat bg bantuan..katmana nak beli..kat mana nk dapatkan kain2 yg best untuk buat curtain or cadar...teringin nak jahit sendiri..
kesan tak pakai full set premium beautiful
salam..lama tak update pasai Premium Beautiful..
sebenaqnya lama jgk la pakai fuul set PB ni..skrg ni slalu ja..pakai girdle ja..yg 2 pcs tu dah jarang2....tapi kesan yg aku terima sgt la teruk..sakit blkg aku yg dah lama hilang tu..menyerang blik.. hampir 3 minggu aku xdapt p keja..lani tgh pakai full set blik..harap2 dapat blik tulang blkg sehat...
hurm..nyesal xpakai full set PB..
sebenaqnya lama jgk la pakai fuul set PB ni..skrg ni slalu ja..pakai girdle ja..yg 2 pcs tu dah jarang2....tapi kesan yg aku terima sgt la teruk..sakit blkg aku yg dah lama hilang tu..menyerang blik.. hampir 3 minggu aku xdapt p keja..lani tgh pakai full set blik..harap2 dapat blik tulang blkg sehat...
hurm..nyesal xpakai full set PB..
jamu kekal dara dan jamu susuk dara
lupa nk review pasal product yg hangat kat pasaran ni..sebenaqnya dah mula ambik jamu ni masa lps raya tu..beli masa bulan puasa lagi..lpepas raya baru mula ambik.. aku ada beli susuk dara..yg kena insert kat dalam.dan jamu pengantin dara..
kesanya,,memag menakjubkan..sampai en suami suruh aku pulak jadi agen untuk product ni..heheh..apada aku mmg ok jgk..sbb aku mmg ada masalah keputihan yg banyak sgt..Alhamdulillah..semakan berkurang..
kat bawah ni gambaq produk2 tu..tapi aku bukan agen yer..belum lagi..masih nk mencuba dulu..
kesanya,,memag menakjubkan..sampai en suami suruh aku pulak jadi agen untuk product ni..heheh..apada aku mmg ok jgk..sbb aku mmg ada masalah keputihan yg banyak sgt..Alhamdulillah..semakan berkurang..
kat bawah ni gambaq produk2 tu..tapi aku bukan agen yer..belum lagi..masih nk mencuba dulu..
lately..selalu ja hilang selera makan..badan asyik tak sehat ja..mcm2 tanggapan org pada ku..bersabar..dan bersabar..
skrg dah ada hobi baru..masak..menjahit..aharap2 impain akau nk jadi tukang jahit yg pandai semua fesyen mcm mak aku tercapai..even mak cuma jahit kat rumah ja..tapi dgn duit menjahit tu la mak adapat buat haji ..dalam usia nya yg masih muda..waktu tahun 2001 0r 2002 mmcm tu..mak simpan duit menjahit dia lbh kurang 5 tahun jgk..untuk capaikan hajat dia pi buat haji..Alhamdullillah..rezeki mak..masa masih kuat dan bertenaga mak dah jejak kaki kesana..mak selalu juga menasihati kami..agar selalu berjimat..dan dapat jadi mcm dia..wakaupun menjahit tu kerja separuh masa mak ja..tapi mak dapat penuhi segala hajat mak dgn menjahit ja..
baju raya kami yg mak buat..every year..time raya mmg mak yg jahit,,nk fesyen apa..bgtau ja..
skrg dah ada hobi baru..masak..menjahit..aharap2 impain akau nk jadi tukang jahit yg pandai semua fesyen mcm mak aku tercapai..even mak cuma jahit kat rumah ja..tapi dgn duit menjahit tu la mak adapat buat haji ..dalam usia nya yg masih muda..waktu tahun 2001 0r 2002 mmcm tu..mak simpan duit menjahit dia lbh kurang 5 tahun jgk..untuk capaikan hajat dia pi buat haji..Alhamdullillah..rezeki mak..masa masih kuat dan bertenaga mak dah jejak kaki kesana..mak selalu juga menasihati kami..agar selalu berjimat..dan dapat jadi mcm dia..wakaupun menjahit tu kerja separuh masa mak ja..tapi mak dapat penuhi segala hajat mak dgn menjahit ja..
baju raya kami yg mak buat..every year..time raya mmg mak yg jahit,,nk fesyen apa..bgtau ja..
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Why Premium Beautiful Corset
Have u ever wonder why thousands of women choose Premium Beautiful Corset as their daily wear..here is the MAIN reasons WHY many womens out there choose
Premium beautiful Corset.
- It has its own Branding as the products has been establish for 20years in the market. Nowadays when u mention about Premium Beautiful, almost everyone dah tau and its a good sign huh...good product..must be very well known.
- SUPERBRAND...the one and only corset yang dapat Superbrand qualification and its by invitational only.
- LIFETIME WARRANTY free service on any kerosakan pada corset you all....its worth every penny..!! sometimes kita beli barang yang lebih kurang harga PB pun ada yang tak comes with lifetime warranty...imagine..!! beli bra 10 helai setahun and each bra harga around rm200...the cost is around rm2k in total and normal bra dont have the lifetime warranty ;-)
- SUITABLE FOR ALL BODY SIZES : Premium Beautiful is custom made corset follow your body measurement. So there is no problem with uncomfortable or anything. We have many range of size from small to overweight sizes.
- 70% effects on HEALTH : It is not only help women to shape up the body and helps in loosing weight BUT in terms of Health...there are thousands of testimonials people satisfied Premium Beautiful can help them to solve their health problems.
my mentor Hanis Haizi
Premium Beautiful corset
What is Premium Beautiful?
Premium Beautiful is the No. 1 best-selling health corset in Malaysia. It uses and is embedded with F.I.R technology mainly for improving blood circulation, stabilized the hormone, helping in reducing the weight and increase metabolism rate. It has helped thousands of Malaysian women rediscover their beauty, confidence and become healthier in the process!
The Premium Beautiful corset is divided into three main pieces,
the Long Bra or Short Bra, Long Girdle & Waist Nipper.
Some features are:-
* Special Design corset for 70% health & 30% beauty
* Helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism including shaping the body
* Lifetime warranty!!
* Comfortable and easy to wear (Flexible)
* Embedded with Far Infrared Rays technology (F.I.R)
* Recommended by American Chiropractic Association
* Helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism including shaping the body
* Lifetime warranty!!
* Comfortable and easy to wear (Flexible)
* Embedded with Far Infrared Rays technology (F.I.R)
* Recommended by American Chiropractic Association
F.I.R - Far Infrared Rays, what is it?
Far Infrared Ray is one of the energy wave that is contained in Sunlight. Unlike that of Ultraviolet & Microwaves which is harmful, F.I.R has positive effect and is proven to be beneficial to humans. F.I.R is widely accepted as alternative therapy for various diseases.
Reference** : http://www.farinfraredmedical.org/ | http://www.farinfraredhealth.com/farinfraredtherapy.html
Why Should I wear it?
The Corset has actually been around for centuries as a proven method to help shape women's body to be more attractive and sexy. Premium Beautiful corset which includes F.I.R creates a complete synergy which helps to shape the women's body, assists in reducing & maintaining a healthy weight, in addition to improving blood circulation and increase metabolism.
Some testimonials of my Premium Beautiful corset clients:-
+ For post-delivery or during confinement
+ For your wedding day outfit
+ For back-pain & slip disc patients
+ Helps with cyst/fibroid patients
+ Used by Asthma patients and helps to alleviate asthma attacks
+ Reduces post-delivery stretch marks
+ Increases and improves firmness of the breast & buttocks
+ Reduce constipation
+ Helping people to conceive
+ Reduce period pain
And many more benefits…!!!
read the testimonials HERE
setiap kali singgah di blog kak mai(CDM Maisarah).. aku memang rasa teruja dengan kejayaan dan perubahan yang telah kak alami..Setiap kali tu jugak semangat aku berkobar2 untuk merubah kehidupan aku sekeluarga..aku tak mau dipandang sebelah mata..aku tak sanggup biar anak2 aku hidup susah..tapi kenapa aku masih belum mampu berjaya seperti mereka.. kak hanis jugak berjaya dengan usaha dia sendiri..
mungkin aku belum cukup kuat seperti mereka..belum punya semangat sperti mereka...tapi aku berusaha dan mencuba segala yang aku mampu..sepenuh hatiku..untuk menjadi seorang yang berjasa pada keluarga dan masyarakat..tapi belum nampak hasilnya..mungkin belum tiba masanya..setiap yan berlaku..ada hikmahnya..
semoga aku akan terus diberi kekuatan untuk mengharungi kehidupan ini..
mungkin aku belum cukup kuat seperti mereka..belum punya semangat sperti mereka...tapi aku berusaha dan mencuba segala yang aku mampu..sepenuh hatiku..untuk menjadi seorang yang berjasa pada keluarga dan masyarakat..tapi belum nampak hasilnya..mungkin belum tiba masanya..setiap yan berlaku..ada hikmahnya..
semoga aku akan terus diberi kekuatan untuk mengharungi kehidupan ini..
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
tengah blogwalking...from CDM maisarah nyer blog www.maisarahibrahim.com tiba2 meronda rata.. terklik blog http://www.aisyahsamsudin.com ..sgt best..byk tutorial pasai menjahit..rasa macam nk khatam ari jgk semua sampai abishhh...
Monday, 3 September 2012
Saturday, 9 June 2012
When it comes to wedding...for sure...
every girls out there want to look good & perfect on that day...
Its their Big Day...!!!Everyone eyes will be on her.....
Since pictures taken on that day will remain part of your life forever...
it is VERY important to look good and feel your best...!!!
no matter what type of wedding dress u wear
and how expensive it is...and exclusive it is...
IF your body is not in proper shape
Flabby here and there...sagging breast
Believe me....it hurts when u see on the picture later on..!!
and u will not feel comfortable and confident at ALL on that day
InsyaAllah your problem can be swept away...!!
No worries...
U can minggle around with people with high confidence
and pastinya CERIA...!!
no matter what type of wedding dress that u gonna put in
sure u'll look perfect on it...!!
"A corset is a great way to get the perfect hourglass figure for your wedding day. Premium Beautiful not only help u to look great, but they are also surprisingly comfortable. You can wear a corset under your wedding dress as underwear to achieve a great figure all day long"
and of ALL corset in this world...WHY we MUST choose Premium Beautiful...???
**its LIFETIME WARRANTY....!! u can wear it up to 10 yrs after your wedding day...!!
** can be wear during your confinement later on..!!
**PB is no. 1 Best selling corset in Malaysia,its PROVEN..!!
**u'll get xtra benefits despite from shaping up your body,PB is special design to have FIR(far infrared in it) to give u 70% health benefit...!!
**its completely comfortable...!!
and many more......!!!
so..if u need to know further xplaination about this MIRACLE corset
i guess u know what to do...
u got my number rite??or my email??
do contact me..!!
"i'm an authorized dealer of Premium Beautiful Corset,i'm well trained and experienced, i will give u professional consultation to meet the best of your requirement and expectation"
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